Friday, October 19, 2007

For Everyone and Everything...

Merciful God, we praise you that you give strength for every weakness, forgiveness for our failures, and new beginnings in Jesus Christ. Especially we thank you for
the guidance of your Spirit through this day...
signs of new life and hope...
people who have helped us...
those who struggle for justice...
expressions of love unexpected or undeserved...

Almighty God, you know all needs before we speak our prayers, yet you welcome our concerns for others in Jesus Christ. Especially we pray for
those who keep watch over the sick and dying...
those who weep with the grieving...
those who are without faith and cannot accept your love...
those who grow old...
your people everywhere...
Righteous God, holy Redeemer,
renew your broken people with your Holy Spirit,
give them a vision of the coming dawn
and the courage to walk your narrow way,
that they may be a sign of hope to the needy
and proclaim the gracious name
of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(adapted from today's Oremus )

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