Friday, June 15, 2007

A Prayer For the Whole World

Dear Lord, Thank-you for all the colours of the rainbow, the beautiful waterfalls which fall into the river and the flowers that grow in the wild. Thank-you for giving us the knowledge to make fire, wheels and other things. Please help all the blind, the deaf and the ones who can’t walk. Please give the world leaders the knowledge to make the right choices for this world to be a better place.

By Yulia, a young Christian

1 comment:

Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Please pray for me as I undertake one of my first bishop challenges: lovingly confronting a sensitive postulant who has committed a boundary violation. My intention is to open myself to the Spirit's guidance, to speak the truth in love, for our relationship and our nascent structures to grow and improve through the interaction, and to not err by either over-exerting or under-exerting my new authority.

Many thanks!