Friday, March 2, 2007

Keeping It in Perspective

Goodness is stronger than evil;
Love is stronger than hate;
Light is stronger than darkness;
Life is stronger than death;
Victory is ours through him who loves us.
-- Desmond Tutu


Mary Beth said...

I think I am prepared to lead this retreat this weekend, but it's the first time I have done anything like it...

I do covet your prayers that I might be focused and intelligible, and that our group might learn and grow in God's matchless love. We have good but cool weather, but we have a long drive ahead, travelling mercies are desired!

mid-life rookie said...

Praying that the retreat will be just that - a retreat. Prayers for renewal as well as focus and clarity of communication. May the spirit abide in you and all the participants.

Catherine said...

Why is it so hard to remember this? Maybe it's my depression that keeps me from my longing to believe. God, help me, my unbelief...

Rainbow Pastor said...

Prayers for your retreat and travels MaryBeth and for you Catherine. I too, struggle with depression, when it all seems just too much.

I was not able to preach the searing sermon I had hoped to last week, due to the weather. So I am refining it and preaching it this weekend. We are also, in the interest of transparency and openess, putting an announcement in the bulletin explaining exactly what has been happening in the church and to our Board this last month (one removed, two resigned, one appointed). It will raise some hackles and there may be angry words at coffee hour.

Pray for me, that I have the courage to preach the brave words I have written with conviction, and to withstand the possible (verbal) attacks afterwards, as well as forgive those who ask for it. Pray for the congregation and several individuals within it, that their hearts may be softened and they may change their ways.

Anonymous said...

I love that quote.

Praying for the retreat MB - May you be filled with His spirit to overflowing - so that words and deeds reflect His heart.

Blessed driving too!

Praying for your depression C+ - and also all those rev gals who also struggle. Lord may Your light shine in their spirits and souls again - and bring them peace and freedom in Your name.

Father - give RP - the courage that comes from being Your disciple. May the congregation - while hurting or in shock - be able to recognise Your loving truth in the messages in this time of trial.

For all these requests and answered prayers - we thank You God. Amen

Catherine said...

Good Lord, imbue RP with your Light, with your Love, that all may see You in her eyes and hear You in her voice; strengthen as no one else can; give her the gifts Solomon asked for: wisdom, discernment and an undying, unfathomable love for You, to reach these, Your people, Your children. Amen.

Thanks with all humility for your holding me up at this time...blessings be upon you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting this, And thank you Desmond, I need the reminder the affirmation.

Mary Beth hope it went well