oh those days,
when everything starts out great...
the kitchen gets cleaned after breakfast,
you actually exercise,
you take of the kids, get them off to school with joy, (or you get to walk the furry family members without hurry and only love),
you pack a nutritious lunch,
all ready to go to the office,
and a crisis hits,
and you have to swoop in and save the day,
because no one else WILL,
and you can't bear the results if you don't,
and in spite of knowing this is quite possibly co-dependent,
when the innocent
will suffer,
you just don't care.
yeah, those days?
God, hear my prayer.
help me to forgive those who don't step up to the plate,
and forgive my self-righteous irritation,
knowing that a living one is safe and cared for,
in this moment,
in spite of the inconvenience,
I am grateful.
perfect - yes! thank you for putting words to my prayer
Yes, Lord. Amen.
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