Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday Prayer: Easter 3A

Gracious One
be with those who
need you this day

Those who are suffering
from the storms
tornados and tsunami's
or drought
and wild fires
for suffering
in every way.

Gracious One
be with those who
seek you this day

Those who cry
from depths
of heart
soul longing

Gracious One
be with those who
do not know You

The who are lost
or, reject your love
or doubt you
or cannot feel your
ever present spirit.

Gracious One
who love us as

Startle us 
beckon, guide
awaken us

Gentle One
gift us
with love
like a mother
the one we had,
the one we wish we had
the one we hope to be
the one we find
like the women
at the foot of the cross
a love that never ends

Gracious One
reveal yourself
to us
be with us
live in us.

Crossposted on RevGalBlogPals and SeekingAuthenticVoice

1 comment:

Clarence Heller said...

Thanks for your prayer. Reminds me of what I read once, that perhaps the best name for God is Surprise. Also reminds me of a poem I wrote, as follows.

Jumping Off the Earth

Did you ever try to jump off the earth?
It would be easier to do that than to be
separated from God,
because the power of gravity is but a taste
of the attractive force of God's Love.