Friday, October 17, 2008

Drawing From the Well

Blessed are You, O Lord our God,
Wellspring of all that is.

You are the sea on which we float,
You are the wind that fills our sails,
You are the storm that buffets us,
You are the calm that brings us peace.

Open our ears to hear Your word,
Open our eyes to see Your beauty,
Open our hearts to be warmed by Your love.

Free us from our lonely prisons of fear and selfishness,
And make us over, day by day, into bearers of Your peace.

--Richard Rosenberg


LutheranChik said...

Please keep in your prayers Cordell, a little boy in our congregation, and his family. Cordell had surgery for a bowel obstruction this week...last year around this time his dad, a guy in his 30's, had a sudden massive stroke, with subsequent strokes, and is now permanently disabled. The family has four little children. They've all moved in with the mom's parents. LOTS of stress in this extended family right now.

Mary Beth said...

Will be praying!