(Note: this is after an entire evening and part of a nigh spent in the basement b/c of Tornadoes.)
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, as we enter upon a time of vigilance and preparedness with the beginning of the annual tornado season, let us humbly bring our prayers to God, the Lord of the wind and the rains, the Lord of good season and bad, the Lord of blessing and hope, that he might bless us with his mighty power and protect us in our ways.
A: Lord God of all seasons, you bless us throughout the year.
C: You are the rain that refreshes the earth.
A: You are the light that shines upon all things.
C: You are the miracle of birth and growth.
A: You are the author of time and its seasons.
C: You set it all in motion for the benefit of all.
A You are the Creator who blesses.
C: You are the Guardian of all that you have created.
A: As we enter upon this season of vigilance, we ask that you watch over us.
C: Keep us alert and watchful in our days.
A: Protect us from all harm.
C: Keep us from devastation.
A: Deepen our faith,
C: That our fears disappear in our trust in you.
A: Bless those public agencies responsible for storm tracking, watches and preparedness.
C: Bless their plans, their practices, their skills, their dedication.
A: And at the time of extreme watchfulness,
C: Increase their skills, their concentration, and our willingness to follow their advice and commands.
A: The eyes of all look to you, O Lord.
C: You open your hand, and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
P: Lord of the universe and the four winds, hear our petitions and supplications on this day. In you alone is our salvation. In you alone do we find our lives safe. As once you were the guide and protection of your people Israel in pillars of wind and fire, so also guide and protect us, your people of today, and keep us in safety and peace all our days; through our Lord Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit, belong all honor and glory, now and forever.
C: Amen
From here.
rm -- praying for you and all in the paths of storms.
Amen. Praying for you and all.
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