Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday Prayer

O God, we call:
Longing for transformation,
But no more able to see its end
Than the caterpillar is to imagine
Its winged glory.

Dying and rising,
Dying and rising,
The church turns, once again, to you.

Only you can lead us out of the beloved tomb.
Come, Lord Jesus. Come.

By Heidi Koschzec
Found at Fidelia's Sisters


Deb said...

I am waiting on an answer... tomorrow evening the leadership council (aka elder board) is meeting. They are reviewing the budget to talk about adding a part-time pastor (that would be ME!!!) to the payroll.

Please pray for the "right" answer... I still have 19 hours of classes left. I can take them part-time, full-time and snail-time (one a semester) and it is hard to make plans until I know... I know they want to add me, it is just a question of when/how soon.




Jennifer Garrison Brownell said...

Praying for you and the church, too.

Jennifer Garrison Brownell said...

Please pray for the family of Gabe, a 5 year old boy, who was killed in an accident this week.

Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Prayers for you and the council, Deb, and for Gabe and his family, Juniper.