Friday, March 8, 2013

A Prayer for Tired Pastors

Come to me...Take my yoke upon you and learn from me. for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11: 28-29

God, we have become proficient in religious planning and performance. We can say all the correct words, but sometimes we leave our hearts far behind. Have we practiced our worship to make it predictable and safe, becoming as bored as we are proud?  Where you find it, break through false religious pride. Surprise us with Your supremacy. Stun us with how dangerous You are!

We have sometimes kept ourselves busy. But for many, self-sufficiency has left exhaustion in its wake, and we are left anxious and bereft. We give up trying to get our act together! We come to you now, as you have summoned us. Show us your heart and train us in humility. We ask for insight to see and to seize opportunities for rest.  Thank you, gentle Savior.  Amen


Anonymous said...

Thank you for those insightful and nurturing prayer words, Singing Owl! One of the many gifts of the RevGals is the deep understanding and encouragement that comes in the midst of the ebb and flow of congregational life and leadership.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for those insightful and nurturing prayer words, Singing Owl! One of the many gifts of the RevGals is the deep understanding and encouragement that comes in the midst of the ebb and flow of congregational life and leadership.