Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sunday Prayer: Lent 4C, Prodigal Grace


Holy and Gracious God
You, the one of prodigal grace
We give you thanks for the gift of life
and for the blessings of this life,
for family and friends and
love abundant.

Lead us through the trials
the suffering and sorrow
the challenges and struggles
the tired time, despair and bleak places,
back to you, and
love abundant.

Be with those who weep
or cannot sleep
who have no peace
who seek release
and comfort them with
love abundant.

Fill us with hope, 
sustained in your mercy,
with patience and stamina
upheld by your Holy Spirit
in your prodigal grace.

Transform us and all our broken ways 
transforms us that we can be
made whole

And in wholeness
may we
the hands and heart of Christ.


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