Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Prayer: Proper 20B, Pentecost 17B

Holy One, you are always
more compassionate than we can imagine,
full of kindness and wisdom.
You, O God, are justice
 and justice is You.

Watch over us, God of all creation –
Those who are suffering for any reason –
For want of food – deliver us from hunger, famine, dirty water, poor soil,
From too much – deliver us from greed and selfishness.
For those who are ill in body, mind or spirit
May your love bring healing and wholeness
The well-being that only you can bring, peace.
Over all creation, O God, give watch.
You, O God are justice, and justice is you.

Be with leaders of provinces, nations, states, cities, villages
May all civic leaders be filled with wisdom
May our leaders have a mind for all people.
May our discourse be civil and our compassion endless.
May we set aside bitter envy and selfish ambition.
May we listen deeply and respond
with hearts full of God’s wisdom and justice.

We give thanks, O God
For all the blessings of this life
For life itself.
For sun, moon, and stars,
For enough food, clean water, and fresh air
To sustain a healthy life as you desire.
For patience, the ability to grow in wisdom
For your mercy, alive in Jesus
For your tenderness embracing
Our vulnerabilities like children
Seeing into our lives, with love.

You, O God are justice, and justice is you.
You are always more compassionate than we can imagine,
full of kindness and wisdom.
You, O God, are justice
And justice is you.

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