Sunday, April 1, 2012

Prayer for Palm Sunday B

On this Holy day of Palm Sunday and Passion,
We have so many mixed feelings in side of us.
We remember your son’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem
With the people shouting praises and waving Palm Branches.
And we join them with our own praises and yet….
We remember too that this wonderful parade for your son, becomes
Another kind of parade before officials and the booing crowds.
And instead of the crowds singing his praises they are shouting to crucify him.
And our hearts are broken by those very shouts, and the pain and
Suffering he bore that day.
And yet we know that it is because of his choosing to enter
Jerusalem and taking the path he knew he was taking,
There is hope, grace, love and salvation for all.
And there are still many in need of hope in our world.
There are still many in need of your grace in our world.
There are still many in need of your love in our world.
And there are still many in need of salvation in our world.
Lord, enter our lives, our churches, our cities, our countries
Once again today.
Heal us, Lord.
Transform us.
Renew us.
Draw us closer to you in this journey of Holy Week,
empower us with strength and courage and
with the assurance that you are with us, world without end. Amen.

Image: Entry of Christ into Jerusalem
By: Morgner, Wilhelm, 1891-1917

cross posted at revgalblogpals

1 comment:

Jane Ellen+ said...

We just received a phone call letting us know that my husband's sister is in the hospital, apparently having suffered a heart attack. Lisa is only 50, wife and mother to two young girls, and very health-conscious; this was totally out of the blue. Please hold her and her family in prayer as the doctors determine the extent of any damage.