Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday Prayer: Breathe on Me

Breathe on me, o Breath of Life

On your inhale, receive my fears.
On your exhale, I receive hope.

On your inhale, receive unrest;
On your exhale, I receive peace.

On your inhale, receive pain;
On your exhale, I receive joy.

May I slow my breathing to match yours,
       parent and child rhythm,
               Creator and created rhythm,
                        Beloved and belonging rhythm.

I exhale...

and release...

Anger... stress... attempts at control... perfectionism... procrastination... insecurity.

Away they go... through the power of the Spirit...

I inhale...

and receive...

Consolation... advocacy... openness... healing... blessing... courage... grace...

May Your goodness and mercy that follows me all the days of my life catch me today.
