Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Prayer: Between Mountaintop and Ash Heap

Loving Source of Life-

The fruits of your Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22)

These are the markers of your Presence in my life... the ways I believe You are... and the way You are shaping me to be...

As I descend from the mountain of Transfiguration, You are leading me into a time of self-control... a time of reflection... a gift of contemplation.... a bounty of revelation... 

Walk with me. Help me to bear fruit. Prune what is dead in me and help me to cast it away. 

Help me to remember that it is not failure if I cannot do everything... when I cannot do everything... as I cannot do everything...

Make me accepting of forgiveness. 

Shape me as a bearer of forgiveness. 

Increase my faith in forgiveness. 

Restore to me... to us... to all... to Your Church... to your creation.... the joy of your salvation. 

Bring spring to the Tree of Life You have planted in all your servants. 

Lord, we pray to you. 
In your love, answer us. 



Terri said...

Indeed, we cannot do everything, we can only do our best, and trust the rest to God...amen.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful prayer as I return from vacation and head into Lent. Thanks!!