Our church is using a prayer guide from Waymakers during these days of Lent. I'll be posting a few of the prayers. Just wanted to give credit to the authors, and the prayer guide called "Seek God for the CIty 2012."
For February 34th: Seek God to rescue us from sin's power.
If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness...My soul waits for the LORD more than watchmen wait for the morning--put your hope in the LORD, for with God is unfailing love and...full redemption...from all sins. Psalm 130:3-8
God, If we were to suffer the repercussions of our sins, we would have been annihilated long ago. Instead, you have gone through the record of our wrongs, and by the power of your love, our sins have been wiped away. We stand in awe of your mighty mercy. Why then do we still wait, hope, and yearn for even more? Because you have promised more! Not only do You pardon our sins, but you free us from the debilitating power of sin. We can be more certain of your love and your word than we can of the sun's rising. So today we focus our hearts together on the hope that you will continue to deliver us...fully redeem us. Cause us to LIVE and to LOVE like you! Amen
(I'm trying to post something every day at my blog. If you'd like to join me, come on over. My blog is here.)
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