Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday Prayer: Pre-Holiday

Oh dear sweet Jesus,
the holiday blitz in on,
even before I  relish the day upon which to be thankful.

That crazy blonde lady Target ad,
who drools over the Black Friday flier, and works out in her pumps to get ready for the big shopping extravaganza (have you seen that commercial?)--it makes my stomach sick.
Even the UCC online store has a 25 Days of Shopping Specials, and each day I get an email highlighting the deal of the day.  Really?  UCC?   That is sinful.
Now don't get me wrong,
I like me some UCC bling and I have had a love affair with Target since I was about 12,
but to overload
on the shopping commercials...
it's too much right now.
It's too much.

Oh dear sweet Jesus,
Forgive us,
forgive me.
Help me offer your peace, your hope, your quiet redeeming grace
in the midst of all the lights and glitter and show.


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