Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Opening Out

Great Spirit of Love,
how awesome your breathing over the first waters,
the circling moon and the wheel of fire in the first skies.
And here on earth after time passed, you created us part of all the wonder.
You made us a little lower than the angels with the imprint of heaven.
Be with each one this day who feels lower than life itself
and isolated from the company you have set us amongst.

May we notice little bits of birdsong, little flowers on stem,
the touch of little children, little grasps of holy hem,
little fragments of good fortune, little kindnesses from gentle soul,
that reconnect us to the height, width breadth and depth
of your great love for us this day.
        -Tess Ward, "The Celtic Wheel of the Yeat: Celtic and Christian Seasonal Prayers"

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