Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday Prayer: Sharing the Cross

What I call the haven, as you know, is the Cross. If it cannot be given me to deserve one day to share the Cross of Christ, at least may I share that of the good thief. Of all the beings other than Christ of whom the Gospel tells us, the good thief is by far the one I most envy. To have been at the side of Christ and in the same state during the crucifixion seems to me a far more enviable privilege than to be at the right hand of his glory.

Source: Simone Weil, Waiting for God


revkjarla said...

Wow--MB--this is powerful. Thank you.

Unknown said...

It surely is what he offers to the disciples, asking if they can handle it. Powerful, indeed.

Terri said...

Love Simone Weil, this too. Thank you.

Mary Beth said...

Standing to the side. Jesus, may I be a tower of prayer.