Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday Prayer

Oh God!

I need you!

I need to slow down
calm down
rest in your arms

I am too upset about too many things
and they are little things, God
compared with the things of this world

but they are my things, and so they matter to you.

God, help me.
God, help us all.


Muthah+ said...

Love the picture.

Yes we need God. And just as importantly, God needs us to be God's presence on earth. We are to be the loving presence, the witness for justice, the welcome where the outcast can find a home, the mercy for those who are wounded, the concerned for those who are alienated. And so we return to grab God around the ankles when we are tired and weary from being God's rep. That is what Lent is for.

Gaye said...

Amen indeed. I have made this my prayer today. Thank you

Terri said...

Oh God, hear our prayers.