Friday, March 11, 2011

A Pure Heart

This is cross posted over at my blog, The Owl's Song, where I am posting a prayer focus for each day during Lent.

Psalm 24:3-4 Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart.

Today, Lord, we are seeking you as we ask for pure hearts. You have called us to come to you in your courts of splendor--as if we hold in our hands engraved invitations. We check the date again. You want us to come now, while we live on this earth so that we might begin to taste the love of Heaven. We may fear the motives deep within us, but Your love is greater than our sin. If you have called us, surely you will cleanse us. We have reason to doubt our hearts, but we refuse to doubt your heart. You have promised that as we confess our sin you will forgive us. In the joy of that promise, we boldly come to you!

We pray today for truth to prevail and for those things that are false to be revealed for what they are--in our homes, communities, countries and around the world. We pray for those with selfish agendas to be less powerful, and that those with intentions to bless and bring good--those with clean hands and pure hearts-- will be strengthened. Amen

Today: Seek God for Ethnic Communities
Pray that God will bring racial harmony, that longstanding offenses may be healed, that Christians show honor to others and act in accordance with God's heart for reconcilliation and peace. Pray that the beauty of distinctive languages and cultures will be evident in our churches and our communities.

1 comment:

@PrayerChristian said...

This is a beautiful prayer! Thanks for posting it. I love how you recall that God's love is greater than our weakness, and that you seek truth. We need all the truth we can get in today's world.

I wonder if you might also like this prayer: