Tuesday, February 8, 2011

just a morning prayer....

This week our delightful seminary intern shared his spiritual story after worship, which we do once a month.  He is a mystic, no doubt.  
At age 13 he began to meditate, and became a seriously practising Buddhist for many years.   He talked about how meditation grounded him, every day--to this day.  So today, let's take some time to meditate.  Do this breathing slowly and take your time....

Breathing in, I am aware of my body...
Breathing out, I breathe out your Spirit...

Breathing in, I breathe in silence
Breathing out, I breathe out calm...

Breathing in, I breathe in peace...
Breathing out, I breathe out You...

Breathing in, I breathe in grace...
Breathing out, I breathe out love....
(pray this prayer several times in a row.....)

Love, peace, and breath to you.

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