Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday Prayer

Sing aloud! Rejoice, O daughter.
Sing aloud, beloved, Rejoice!

For the leaders of the nations,
For those making decisions that
affect the lives of others,
We pray for God's wisdom to prevail.

Sing aloud! Rejoice, O daughter.
Sing aloud, beloved, Rejoice!

For the ministers of Christ's church
For the people who gather and pray
who care for the needs of others,
We pray for God's mercy to come forth.

Sing aloud! Rejoice, O daughter.
Sing aloud, beloved, Rejoice!

For the broken and those suffering,
For the chaff in our own lives -
may it burn so that new life comes
We pray for God's grace and love

Sing aloud! Rejoice, O daughter.
Sing aloud, beloved, Rejoice!

For those who are sick
we offer our prayers
may they find healing and wholeness
in mind, body, and spirit.

For the dying
we offer our prayers
may they be comforted this night
embraced in the arms of Christ.

Sing aloud! Rejoice, O daughter.
Sing aloud, beloved, Rejoice!

Cross posted at RevGalBlogPals

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