Thursday, January 22, 2009

Help us to love

"The mission of the church is just loving people. And our confession? What is our confession? It is that we do not know how to love. Until we have made that confession, there is nothing to be learned. We cannot even be a beginner with the beginners, and in the school of Christianity there is nothing else to be but a beginner."

~~Elizabeth O'Connor, Search for Silence, p. 23.

"When desire for love is felt, owned, and intended, some kind of prayer happens. In one form or another, prayer is the beginning and the way of being in love. If we are to say yes to love's invitation, to whom do we say it? In part, we say it to ourselves when we claim our desire and intention. But we are also committing ourselves to receiving a gift, and thus must address the giver. Prayer is the only way we can integrate our intention with our dependence on grace."

~~Gerald G. May, The Awakened Heart, p. 58.

O Holy One, help us to love through and with your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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