Gracious and Eternal Lord,
We know that you hear the cries of your children in Zimbabwe
Who endure the anguish of political and economic turmoil,
Who live in the shadow of hunger and violence.
Be with all in Zimbabwe, Lord.
Strengthen and uphold your people.
Pour out your blessing on all who minister to the needs of those who suffer;
Give courage to those who face intimidation or aggression;
Instil hope in those unable to see beyond the current crisis.
Empower your people to stand together,
Across the region and around the world,
To overcome anger, fear, division and bloodshed.
Grant us gifts of wisdom, compassion and discernment
That we may impart good news to those who endure injustice
Speak truth boldly to the powerful,
And find practical ways of sharing your love in the midst of despair.
Let your justice roll down like waters, Lord,
And righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
Embolden us to be doers of your Word and seekers of your Peace.
These things we pray in the name of the Prince of Peace,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
I pre-posted this, back earlier in the week when Zimbabwe was burning my heart.
And today - Mumbai - and WalMart in Long Island, and Toys R Us in California -
I didn't leave my house yesterday except to let the dogs out and walk them. Reading, chatting with parents, napping, knitting.
Now I don't want to ever leave again.
God, help us all.
Thank you for the prayer. My heart cries...
I was born in Zimbabwe, as were my dad, grandfather and great grandfather.
We now live in Scotland, but it will always be home.
PS - I came here looking for Peace prayers on Google. I run a blog called "Peace Thimbles" - prayers, quotes for peace, etc. I've got John DeVries for my Advent "thimble":-)
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