I received the living God, and my heart is full of joy.
I received the living God, and my heart is full of joy.
Jesus said: I am the bread kneaded long to give you life;
You who will partake of me need not ever fear to die.
Jesus said: I am the way, and my Father longs for you;
So I come to bring you home to be one with us anew.
Jesus said: I am the truth; if you follow close to me,
You will know me in your heart, and my word will make you free.
Jesus said: I am the life far from whom no thing can grow,
But receive this living bread, and my Spirit you shall know.
I received the living God, and my heart is full of joy.
I received the living God, and my heart is full of joy.
Ellen Doerrfeld Coman
New boss has been here 1 week. This morning I had first meeting with her. I shared a number of things that were scary to be honest about. It was good and she seems very supportive.
However, I seem to be having a hard time settling down. My shoulders keep wanting to be in my ears! I am breathing. Please pray with me.
Praying, Mary Beth. Take good care of yourself as you transition, okay?
Keep breathing, MB!
I am back in the swirl of chaos after not really a vacation week, and I'm finding it a little hard to get my feet under me. It's clear that for the rest of my time at this church I'll be finding health and nourishment elsewhere and hoping it splashes back onto these folks, by the grace of God. I don't love those arrangements, but they are the ones with which I am living right now. May God help me to be enough to them.
Songbird, I was just thinking about that...where do pastors get fed?
Hope you will continue to be intentional about making sure you get that, and gentle with yourself.
OH, memo to myself: when I am feeling that wonky in the middle of the day, I need to check to be sure I've taken my pills (antidepressant/antianxiety)...my brain chemistry was whack, on top of everything else.
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