"Be praised my God for Sister Water who is useful, humble, precious and pure."
As St. Francis prayed in great gratitude for Sister Water,we pray in thankfulness for her life sustaining generosity. We acknowledge that water in its mysterious beauty causes the desert to bloom. One tiny drop spread collected with thousands of dropswaters seeds and future harvests to feed us and all creatures. One tiny drop multiplied quenches our burning thirst. Our bodies, like the body of earth, are over 75% water. We are a water people. We are a water planet.
Oh compassionate God,
Creator who breathed over the waters
we seek forgiveness for our mindless use of water.
We beg for wisdom to know how to conserve and cherish water,
We ask healing for the ways that we disrespect and contaminate our sister.
In this drought time we wait and watch for the gift of rain upon earth.
We watch and wait for the rain of grace into our souls.
Come free us from hatred, greed, fear, and our lack of love for your gifts
upon earth.
Transform us into living streams of water
flowing green and moist with life, hope, and love for earth and all peoples.
We pray this prayer in the name of God who is gracious Creator, Jesus who is
Eternal Word, and Spirit who is Wellspring of Wisdom.
(Adapted from Joan Brown, osf, Ecological Ministry of the Social Justice Office, Archdiocese of Santa Fe.)
Thank you Gannet Girl, and welcome to the Prayer Blog posters!
Nicholas came home on Thursday, and things have been going quite well, including his visit to my wonderful psychiatrist. But I am tired and slightly overwhelmed and a bit nervous about the weekend. Also sad because my mom is in denial about the chemical issues and e-mailed Matt attributing things to my mothering. I know it is ungrounded and reflects her own denial of my dad's bipolar and the alcoholic and abusive dynamics I grew up with...so I am not devastated and trying to turn it to deeper healing of my own stuff, but it does hurt.
Please pray that we find the right therapists for both of us, that Matt and I learn about his illness and how to work with him most effectively, that we are gentle with ourselves and each other, and especially that I can balance my own healing and other work with caring for him. Also that we find an affordable and spirit-nourishing way to vacation for a few days week after next when my Mom will be watching them...we haven't been able to plan yet with all the chaos, and money is tight, yet we desperately need the down time and time for us as a couple.
Thanks to everyone for upholding us in prayer--as hard and awful as this is, we have experienced so much grace and daily miracles, above all getting an accurate diagnosis of bipolar and a medication he welcomes and is helping, though it won't do it all.
Praying for you all, Laura!
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