Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday Prayer

God of Sun and Moon, Star and Sky, your wonder is beyond our imagining. We thank you for the gift of this world we share, and for the common bonds that we share as your children.

Bless us God, as we seek to find a way toward the peace you invite us to share. Guide us God as we walk that delicate line between being faithful to our own relationship with you, and yet remain understanding of those whose path is vastly different from our own. Remind us often that being faithful does not require that we close ourselves off from the faith of others.

Gracious God, open our hearts, minds and spirits to people of every faith, creed and culture. May our own faith be so much a part of our being that it is not threatened by the faith practices of others. May the Mystery of your ways be the bridge that draws all of your people together in prayer for peace in our time.

God of Compassion, we pray for those who are in special need of your grace and healing today.

For those who live in fear of violence; for refugees everywhere; for political prisoners and for those who imprison them; God, we ask for peace.

For those who are grieving, or hungry, or in despair; for the lonely, and all who are ill or suffering, for any who struggle with addiction, and for all who live with chronic illness.

God, we trust in your power to be present with the suffering. We trust in your Spirit’s power to bring comfort, faith and strength where it is needed. We pray, bring your radical, scandalous peace into our midst, and touch us all with your love, for we ask it in the name of the One who calls us ever forward, Jesus Christ…


Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

If you were at the Saturday preacher's party you may have noted that I am on sabbatical. Tomorrow starts week two.

I am deeply sad, confused, feeling hopeless, and if I could afford to, I'd probably write a resignation letter tomorrow to my church board of deacons.

Things are not horrible. They are stagnant, and a large part of the problem is me.

I am asking God to either renew the hope and passion I had when I came to this difficult parish (8 years ago) or to show me what the next plan is for me so that I can get out of the road and allow the next pastor to come along.

I love these folks deeply, and we've been through the fire. But I am suspecting that the Holy Spirit sent me there to be a "mother" and help them heal, but the mom is not usually the one who gets you started on your life purpose--or gives you a needed kick in the rear.

Hard to explain. I think I am grieving, and I KNOW I am scared. And perhaps it will happen that I can return with renewed perspective. I simply don't know.

Thanks to any and all pray-ers.

Mary Beth said...

Praying for you, Singing Owl, and your congregation as well, as you go through this time of discernment.

Your post helped me. Asking your prayers for me, too. I'm in a secular (university) setting, and my new boss (whom I like, respect, and helped choose) is harried and frustrated, and every time I talk with him he projects that frustration. I'm trying to remember that it's not personal (it's too early for it to be personal!) :) and to breathe.

My husband and I have an agreement that we will re-evaluate our respective work settings at Christmas time and decide whether a change is in order for one or both of us. (He is a self-employed workaholic, and I have a frustrating few years with passive aggressive colleagues and interim boss, and now this new one...) Neither of us seems a very happy camper in the evenings.

It scares me to to think of making a change (this has been my career for 20+ years!) but maybe God has something else for me.


Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Prayers for your both in this difficult time of struggle and discernment. And admiration for your courage and honesty in facing and not running away from the hard questions....

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Praying for you, Mary Beth....and just read your post below, so praying for you too, Mother Laura.