Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday Prayer

I enjoy reading Anne Lamott's reflections on life and faith. One of my favourites is her clarity and wisdom around the mysterious ongoing conversation we have with the Holy ~ prayer.

Lamott believes that most prayer can be summed up in this way: Thank You & Help.

God, thank you. God, help. Amen.

I'll invite you to fill in the blanks of gratitude and intercession as they present themselves in your life today.

Peace be with you, friends.

1 comment:

smkyqtzxtl said...

I am a day late but have said many "thank you's" and "please helps" this weekend with the emergency trip to the hopital of son. He is doing better but still needs prayer for recovery and peace. Mom needs it too, my nerves are frayed. Thank you and please help, Amen.